Sunday, November 1, 2009

Go Green

I recall in middle school we had a large "recycling rally", we were declared a recycling school. We were taught the "proper" way to recycle and the importance it would cause. In school, recycling programs were created and highly pushed. As of now, recycling is not something that you hear much of. From my younger days till now, its rare for me to hear about recycling, much less know people who recycle. I think recycling needs to be part of our work places and our neighborhoods. I think it should be expressed more in places and focused to adults. I do know some neighborhoods have recycling programs where like garbage trucks come, so do the recycling trucks. They have blue and green boxes you set on your curb. As mentioned, this is only offered in some neighborhoods. A lot of people won't go out of their way to separate plastic/paper & aluminum; much less to take it to a local place to drop it off.


  1. I agree that recycling is very important, and many children are not aware of this issue. When I was in school, it was never even mentioned, let alone available as an option. If we want the majority of people to start recycling, we must make it available to them. My neighborhood did not have a recycling program, so I would have to drive 20 minutes to the nearest recycling center. It was very inconvenient, but I did it. I also found that if enough people in a neighborhood will petition to have those trucks come, they will make it possible. However, when I talked to my neighbors, many did not care enough to pay a little extra. My current job just started having bins available, after a year of complaining by several others and I. Unfortunately, my previous job completely refused. After discussing this with a few other workers, we decided to take turns recycling the items ourselves. I believe if bins must be available to the public, especially in schools and workplaces, many more will begin recycling.

  2. I think it is important to recycle and i believe one of the most important things is education. It takes time to sink into everyones habits. It also requires energized cheerleaders to really get people moving. One of the most important things that is not usually mentioned is passing on the cost of environmental degradation to the consumer. These costs are usually hidden in health statistics and poorer countries that supply our raaw material.

  3. I also agree with everyone about how important it is to be educated in recycling. It seems that alot of people i know dont think it is a big problem and think it is a waste of time to recycle. Another problem seems to be that alot of recycling companies do not let you recycle everything. Like in my neighborhood you are limited in what you can recycle. The rest you have to dispose of in the trash. I think they should have to take all items and recycle them. They should not be aloud to choose which items they want to pick up and not. If they did then more items can be recycled and not wasted and thrown into our landfills.
